Not many people know how to receive compliments, there is a way to give and receive compliments.

Some people go as far as making even the giver of the compliment feel bad for the compliments they gave to them.

How can one accept compliment graciously.

1. Resist Impostor Syndrome

Most times people compliment us and we are quick to spot the flaws and weaknesses in the name of being humble.

“I love your shoes” and you go “But it’s not even that fine or expensive”

“I love your hair” and you reply “this tattered hair”

Please let’s not reply that way, accept the compliment and own it totally.

We make most people stop complimenting us when we are quick to point out mistakes and flaws, no matter how weird you see the compliment that was given, just receive it with good faith, don’t belittle it or exaggerate it.

Imposter syndrome comes when we don’t see ourselves worthy of the compliment given and there are many reasons for this.

There is one statement I have always said to myself

“I am worthy of discussions and compliments”

It takes a level of influence to be criticised by people for free.

2. Just say “Thank you”

If you don’t know what to say, just smile and say thank you. It shows that you appreciate the words but if you want to go alot further, you can thank the person with nice words.

“Thank you, it means alot coming from you”

“Thank you, you inspire me to do more”

Sound like you mean it, even if the voice in your head says “you don’t deserve it” or the person doesn’t mean it.

3. Share the credit (appreciation)

If there were people who helped you to achieve the feat, involve and mention them also.

“Thank you, but I couldn’t have done it without the help of my team members”

“Thank you but Joe assisted me with the paper work”

4. Return the compliment

If the giver of the compliment also participated in helping you achieve that feat, feel free to return the compliment.

Be authentic, be specific, talk about the process they went through and the impact it had on you.

So instead of just saying “Thank you” you could say

“Thank you Bob for helping out with the lights and the sound of the production, even though you weren’t paid for it, it really made the production excellent and I’m really grateful”

Now you know how best to receive compliments, do better

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