Have you ever read in the bible that these three abide, Love,Faith and hope but Love is the greatest (1 For 13:13)

The thirteenth chapter of the First letter of Paul to the Church at Corinth is a mind blowing one.

It shows the different attributes of love, I once read from someone’s tweet that she was advised by her mom to substitute Love with her fiance’s name in that chapter and if it doesn’t match. He isn’t the one.

So where it is written “Love is Kind and Patient” She would put Tony (a name I just conned) is Kind and Patient and if it seems like she is lying, she should look for another.

Love has taken alot of form in our days, Eros, Philia, Agape etc

God chose to be called Love of all attributes (1 John 4:8) the scriptures didn’t say God is a God of Love. God is not Cupid.

Because we have myths about how Cupid forced people to be in love without their will and that isn’t walking in Love…

One can’t claim to love God and not love others

All the commandments would be kept if you truly walk in love (Love for God and men)

Jesus recommended that “this is how people will know that you’re my disciples, when you have love for one another”

not when you raise the dead, not when you heal the sick, not when you evangelise, not when you cast out demons.

Or have you not read “though I speak in tongues of Angels and have faith to move mountains, if I don’t have love I am a clanging cymbal”

Let me explain. (According to 1 Corinthians 13)

Understanding mysteries + Having Faith + Sacrificing your body or money + gift of prophecy + tongues of Angels – Love = NOTHING

I wish you could see this in a mathematical way. Like 5+1 million+ 2 million+ 7 Billion – Love equals nothing

A wise mathematician would quickly leave all those things and seek LOVE…. What is this thing that God is? What is this thing that Christ said would be our identity?

Love covers a multitude of sins, when you truly love a person. You really want the best for them. Love seeks the right way to end a dispute. Love makes you want the best for others genuinely.

I know what many of us assume to be love is heightened LUST.

Scriptures told us how Joseph wanted to secretly divorce Mary his betrothal because he loved her so much to disgrace her even though She was pregnant for someone else (the holy spirit)

Love does not keep records, Love makes you vulnerable. Love should exist in any family or romantic relationship.

All roles between the husband and the wife should be known, not this is what you should do so you do it, the husband should provide while I cook. Love is this how it should be done so I’ll do it

So the day the wife isn’t around, no one cooks?

But Love insists on this is how it should be done.

My wife is tired, So let me cook because it is what should be done.

Love makes the husband to be so intimate with his wife that he recognizes her Sighs, heaving, facial expressions and lastly silence.

How did Jesus know that the Father had left him at Calvary, How did he know that the Father was glad with him?

In a relationship where there is Love, a spouse should always come in an area where the other spouse is weak.

If your husband can’t provide the bills today, you can foot them till he gets back on his feet.

This world has become so selfish that we think when we are helping ourselves, we walk in Love.

Let me tell something else. God is Love, this means that everything God does is in Love.

So you can be rest assured that when God kills or destroys, that was done in Love.

You might not get this now but when you have kids, you might understand it better.

When you child asks to go to an area to party where you know isn’t safe, you would readily say no but to that Child you have denied him freedom and pleasure.

God’s judgement are the best.

But you ask Why did God allow sin, why didn’t he destroy the devil in the beginning?

Why did he send a flood?

I don’t have all the answers but imagine how wicked the world is today, think about how it was years ago that only one family was righteous.. is that a world that you would want to live in?

A world where a man preached for about 100 years yet no man repented? You are getting the picture now right?

Man may judge with fact presented, sentiments and emotions but God is not a Man. God is Omniscient He judges from a standpoint of Knowing all things, (past and future)
Even darkness cannot be hidden from God.

Before we throw accusing fingers, we should dare to put ourselves in the shoes of the accused in Love, ascertain why that deed happened and hope that things get better.

Lastly I think Knowledge helps alot in love, when you have access to certain information about a person, Love is easily expressed.

Jesus prayed for his killers because he knew they were ignorantly killing him.

Stephen prayed for his murderers because he knew the power of sin and how it hinders.

So we can indirectly say that Saul’s involvement in the death of Stephen had been forgiven because Stephen in Love prayed for his forgiveness so the devil cannot use that against him even before Saul was converted (Love Is That Powerful).

I pray that Christians walk in perfect Love in the days to come.

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