Did you know that a football game can be likened to a vision.

A company’s vision is first envisioned by a person, the Chief Executive Officer, Chairman or sometimes the board of directors, they come up with an idea that they hope to achieve.

Let’s the board of Directors of a very popular football team wishes to win the premier league or whatever league title they aspire to get.

The first thing they do is to get an experienced coach, one who understands what it takes to get the work done, one who understands the structure on how this vision and goal can be achieved. Then they communicate the vision to the coach.

But breaking this down to business, the board of directors or the CEO tells the vision to the management board, the strategic team to look for a way to achieve the vision, this vision is broken down into strategies that the management can carry out at different departments under different heads or managers.

The next thing the coach does is to get his players, no vision is complete without the right team, no one accomplishes a vision alone, it takes coordination from different angles, it takes participation from the team players to achieve this, the coach knows this and he seeks to either get them from another football club or train one who he feels is competent enough to handle the task.

All it takes to achieve that dream of becoming the league winners are eleven active players with about 10-15 substitutes (Risk management) a back up plan for when one isn’t available.

The Managers get their team ready likening it to the corporate world, they hire the best and competent employees and train them to be more effective, aligned to the company’s goals and culture.

Then the process is laid out, All the team needs to do is to win one match at a time, just paying attention to winning a match at a time and preparing to win as well.

So the management makes a review of the task ahead and the task completed, assessing what made the task completed, what was done wrong, what could have be done better and what needs to be consistently implemented.

So the coach is always assessing every match, seeking to find out who is the best substitute for any player who he discerns and perceives isn’t bringing his A game to the field.

Yes there are days of losses but the coach doesn’t let this stop him from achieving his vision of becoming the league champion,he reminds the players of the importance of their roles, the striker needs to be accurate with their shots, the midfielder needs to man the field and tackle the opposite team, the defender needs to defend the ball against the coming into their goal post while the goal keeper makes sure that the ball doesn’t get into the net.

Every player is aware of their roles and responsibilities to achieve winning the match, which consecutively leads to achieving the vision and there could be times when a player role isn’t implemented accurately and the whole team suffers for it but they do their best to close up that loose end, so we see in a match that some players could be sent out if the field and the remaining ten players don’t give up, they make up for the player’s role.

So it is with a business vision as well, most employees could be sick, resign from the work, get overwhelmed but the company doesn’t need to let the vision perish because of that, it is all part of the risk management.

When this is continuously implemented, then the vision is sure to be accomplished, sometimes some football teams don’t make it to the vision, they get a new coach and start afresh differently from the previous year.

This is how a football game is likened to a company’s vision

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