Have you ever wondered if you ever had a gift or even a purpose?

This content was fashioned for you that you may prosper.😊

The 65 Best Gifts for Your Husband in 2021

From the title, let’s assume he gave gifts unto men and let’s further assume that you have a gift.

A gift is something that was received or given to someone out of appreciation or value.

I’ll break this down, a gift is something that is received, so most times it might not be valued, a guy with the gift of drawing might not value his gift that much because he doesn’t know its value and sometimes we don’t need to blame people for this because people value what is scarce.

I heard an influencer tell a story of how she told her foreign audience that she was down with malaria as the reason for her late arrival for a presentation and they all were shocked that she was standing before them.

Do you know why? Because malaria is a scarce sickness there, most people have not had it all their life, it has been eradicated from certain countries so the memory they have of malaria is that it kills.

You can check the history of malaria to verify this yourself.

Sorry back to gifts, oratory is a gift but to the orator he or she is just speaking, but people would want to speak like you, but then the gift you can give out of your gift is public speaking, and people would pay you in whatever you think is your value.

I was going through an influencer’s story on Instagram and my sound was on mute but I enjoyed her Instagram story and I’m wondering what kind of creativity is this. That one can tell stories that even a deaf person can read and enjoy. But weirdly to her, She’s just doing her thing.

You’ll always see someone better than you, Know this and know Peace.

But no one can beat you at being you, they might have the same Knowledge, the same clothes, same name but they can’t teach it like you would.

And sometimes you can become so familiar with your gift that you would fail to appreciate it yourself.

Did you know that a time came in Isreal that Elisha wasn’t aware that he was a prophet and there was famine until a king demanded to kill him, he had to prophesy open heavens.

I once heard a man of God say that he would listen to his sermons and say amen to his own prayers, that got me worried for a while until I started to read my old writings. Wow I’m a gift to myself, I don’t know about others. But my writings have blessed me again and again.

Sometimes I read my writings and I can’t even remember writing them, fresh revelations and strategies just pop up, I’ve seen times when I’m in need of a strategy and a writing of mine from the past reminds me.

Our gifts differ, and you must know it’s for a reason. God made us differently to function differently so that no man can be an island.

That little thing that you know how to do so well that you think it’s common.

Just keep doing it, a popular actress became popular for just speaking an Igbo dialect now they call her “Ada Mbano”

The funny thing is that she’s not even from the location, but she majored in something that the people from that dialect never knew could fetch them money why?

Because it had become so familiar and unappreciated.

You do know that appreciating a thing, doesn’t stop at recognising its value, because recognition of a gift is what makes the gift unique.

It is concentration at a thing that gets attention.

Try staring into a space for so long while talking to a friend and believe me they too would want to stare because that how the principle of concentration works.

I wrote this from a place of Love.

Meditate on these things. Hope this blessed you?

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