Networking is the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contracts.

Networking Is Necessary For Career Advancement. Here's Why

It is not only about trading information and ideas but as an avenue to create long term relationship with mutual benefits.

Truly no man is an island but this doesn’t mean you should network with everyone, you have to first study how you can contribute value to them and their success.

Success in any field or career is largely attributed to the pool of information or ideas you have garnered and people are the source of information.

People quickly notice others that have stronger capabilities to make them relevant, when you stand out in both your expertise and services you offer, it creates room for partnership and collaborations.

You know how everyone is proud to be associated with a successful man, Jephthah was disowned by his own relatives but after developing capacity enough to lead an army, Isreal begged him to be their Judge.

When people start noticing you, it opens the door for newer opportunities, opportunities like meeting the right partner, prospect, customer or superior colleague can open doors of greatness In a way that would change you or empower you.

Networking is like keeping a pulse on resources and ideas, and it is used by Alot of marketers, whether it is affiliate marketing, multi level marketing, content marketing, social media marketing etc

Every business needs people, customers and investors which means they need to be visible to the world to increase your reach.

In networking, it’s easier to start with the known; family and friends, colleagues, fellow students and reading the book ‘How to win friends and influence people’ by Dale Carnegie would really help.

When you go for an occasion, try to make at least two friends, always put up a smiling face, you can build credibility and trust among stranger s by asking a question, everyone love to talk about themselves, compliment people about something interesting about them, also it’s good to have your business card and identity card handy.

When ever you meet someone, always try to remember their name, whenever you meet new people, use their name immediately in a conversation with them, it shows you’re paying attention.

If you’re shy, smart, run with that, be the authentic shy and smart person that you arez, be you.

Talk about topics and subjects you’re passionate about, it helps you to be more comfortable and genuine and also it helps you to bring your true energy and vibe.

You can also go with a wingman, Paul always had Barnabas and sometimes Silas, Moses went with Aaron.

It’s true also that networking works best when you have something to offer, even if you have no gifts, be armed with a compliment, words of encouragement and admiration and be authentic about it, everyone needs encouragement even at the peak of their career.

Lastly during networking, you might get rejected, you might meet people who can’t or don’t want to help you or become acquainted with you.

It’s alright, it isn’t your fault, it isn’t their fault too, it’s either the situation or ignorance. The world isn’t a safe place and people would always be sceptical about anyone who meet them for the first time except that person made a good first impression.

Also it might be be that you don’t look like someone who would add value to them or someone who they don’t want to network about.

Don’t take it personal, not everyone would like you even if you were sugar, fortunately you don’t need to know everyone to be successful, you just need the right ONE.

But always take the risk to ‘break the ice’ let it be that you tried and failed than you didn’t try at all.

Cheers to a successful network and hope you found value?

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