Humans and digital people

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Could digital people be conscious? Could they deserve human rights?

Say there is a detailed digital copy of you, sending/receiving signals to/from a virtual body in a virtual world. The digital person sends signals telling the virtual body to put their hand on a virtual stove. As a consequence, the digital person receives signals that correspond to their hand burning. The digital person processes these signals and sends further signals to their mouth to cry out “Ow!” and to their hand to jerk away from the virtual stove.

Does this digital person feel pain? Are they really “conscious” or “sentient” or “alive?” Relatedly, should we consider their experience of burning to be an unfortunate event, one we wish had been prevented so they wouldn’t have to go through this?

This is a question not about physics or biology, but about philosophy. And a full answer is outside the scope of this piece.

I believe sufficiently detailed and accurate simulations of humans would be conscious, to the same degree and for the same reasons that humans are conscious.

It’s hard to put a probability on this when it’s not totally clear what the statement even means, but I believe it is the best available conclusion given the state of academic philosophy of mind. I expect this view to be fairly common, though not universal, among philosophers of mind.

I will give an abbreviated explanation for why, via a couple of thought experiments.

Thought experiment 1. Imagine one could somehow replace a neuron in my brain with a “digital neuron”: an electrical device, made out of the same sorts of things today’s computers are made out of instead of what my neurons are made out of, that recorded input from other neurons (perhaps using a camera to monitor the various signals they were sending) and sent output to them in exactly the same pattern as the old neuron.

If we did this, I wouldn’t behave differently in any way, or have any way of “noticing” the difference.

Now imagine that one did the same to every other neuron in my brain, one by one – such that my brain ultimately contained only “digital neurons” connected to each other, receiving input signals from my eyes/ears/etc. and sending output signals to my arms/feet/etc. I would still not behave differently in any way, or have any way of “noticing.”

As you swapped out all the neurons, I would not notice the vividness of my thoughts dimming. Reasoning: if I did notice the vividness of my thoughts dimming, the “noticing” would affect me in ways that could ultimately change my behavior. For example, I might remark on the vividness of my thoughts dimming. But we’ve already specified that nothing about the inputs and outputs of my brain change, which means nothing about my behavior could change.

Now imagine that one could remove the set of interconnected “digital neurons” from my head, and feed in similar input signals and output signals directly (instead of via my eyes/ears/etc.). This would be a digital version of me: a simulation of my brain, running on a computer. And at no point would I have noticed anything changing – no diminished consciousness, no muted feelings, etc.

Thought experiment 2. Imagine that I was talking with a digital copy of myself – an extremely detailed simulation of me that reacted to every situation just as I would.

If I asked my digital copy whether he’s conscious, he would insist that he is (just as I would in response to the same question). If I explained and demonstrated his situation (e.g., that he’s “virtual”) and asked whether he still thinks he’s conscious, he would continue to insist that he is (just as I would, if I went through the experience of being shown that I was being simulated on some computer – something my current observations can’t rule out).

I doubt there’s any argument that could ever convince my digital counterpart that he’s not conscious. If a reasoning process that works just like mine, with access to all the same facts I have access to, is convinced of “digital-Holden is conscious,” what rational basis could I have for thinking this is wrong?

General points:

  • I imagine that whatever else consciousness is, it is the cause of things like “I say that that I am conscious,” and the source of my observations about my own conscious experience. The fact that my brain is made out of neurons (as opposed to computer chips or something else) isn’t something that plays any role in my propensity to say I’m conscious, or in the observations I make about my own conscious experience: if my brain were a computer instead of a set of neurons, sending the same output signals, I would express all of the same beliefs and observations about my own conscious experience.
  • The cause of my statements about consciousness and the source of my observations about my own consciousness is not something about the material my brain is made of; rather, it is something about the patterns of information processing my brain performs. A computer performing the same patterns of information processing would therefore have as much reason to think itself conscious as I do.
  • Finally, my understanding from talking to physicists is that many of them believe there is some important sense in which “the universe can only be fundamentally understood as patterns of information processing,” and that the distinction between e.g. neurons and computer processors seems unlikely to have anything “deep” to it.

For longer takes on this topic, see:

Let’s say you’re wrong, and digital people couldn’t be conscious. How would that affect your views about how they could change the world?

Say we could make digital duplicates of today’s humans, but they weren’t conscious. In that case:

  • They could still be enormously productive compared to biological humans. And studying them could still shed light on human nature and behavior. So the Productivity and Social Science sections would be pretty unchanged.
  • They would still believe themselves to be conscious (since we do, and they’d be simulations of us). They could still seek to expand throughout space and establish stable/”locked-in” communities to preserve the values they care about.
  • Due to their productivity and huge numbers, I’d expect the population of digital people to determine what the long-run future of the galaxy looks like – including for biological humans.
  • The overall stakes would be lower, if the massive numbers of digital people throughout the galaxy and the virtual experiences they had “didn’t matter.” But the stakes would still be quite high, since how digital people set up the galaxy would determine what life was like for biological humans.

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