Halloween: Origins, Meaning & Traditions - HISTORY

Halloween is a special occasion that takes place every October 31st, it originally started in Ireland, the Celts believed that in the night before the new year, which was Summer’s ending, the worlds between the living and the dead became blurred making it easy for the dead to visit the living and the living to be transported there.

It was originally called Samhain (Summer’s end) so fires were lit up using roots of vegetables to ward off the spirits.

The trick or treat originated from the poor who went to the homes of the rich to ask for alms and then pray for the souls of the rich family, the rich family would then give them “soul cakes”. This was called Souling.

But then the Catholic Church chose to make November 1st the day to celebrate all saints, (the Hallows day) so October 31st became the “Hallows eve” giving it the name “Halloween”

It is celebrated in most european countries, and America and Urban India, although in certain areas like Hollywood and Albans, there are legal restrictions to the ritual.

Halloween is said to be the most important celebration after Christmas for teens under the age of 12, most of them get to wear costumes of their famous celebrities, wizards, witches and spooky personalities. Jack O Lanterns are lit up and children are seen asking for either a treat (snacks) or a trick (performance).

However this year’s Halloween would be a Full moon ( A wolf howls in the distance). But with the Quarantine laws in most areas, most people think it might not really be memorable.

Well here are certain ways to make the Halloween an interesting one.

  1. Ghosting: creating a treat bag of goodies for a friend or neighbor and leaving it at their doorstep, leaving them a note to reciprocate to someone else
  2. Having Dinner with Family and relatives
  3. Play a Halloween Game
  4. See a Halloween movie
  5. Host a Virtual Party
  6. Paint your family faces
  7. Do a Tarot Card reading
  8. Make a spooky snack
  9. Listen to your favorite playlist or album.

There, you’ve got yourself a memorable halloween celebration. Remember spend and enjoy the time you have with the Living while you are still living

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