During some night schools ago, Sir John Obidi popularly called Daddy J.O. by his loyal audience spoke about how people can live a life of options. There are many lessons there for students and undergraduates.

Everyone wants to live a life where they can make choices and not be limited to the only option that their present predicament offers them, a wealthy man can comfortably walk into a restaurant, and because of the amount of money he possesses, he has so much menu to choose from but someone with limited cash can only choose from limited food options.

We can live a life of options if we start preparing early.

Take up leadership roles
Most times, youths run from leadership roles because they don’t want to be responsible for a lot of things, not knowing that these responsibilities are what prepare them for the challenges ahead.
Joseph was a slave in the house of Potiphar and he learnt about scarcity, even as a prisoner he learnt how to tackle scarcity, so it was easy to solve the problem of scarcity when he was before Pharoah. When you assume leadership positions, it increases your visibility especially when you have something valuable to offer to people.

Be a volunteer
Most times, we might not be selected for leadership positions, but no one can stop you from volunteering your skills especially when it is given for free, I had a discussion with most of my friends about the advantages of volunteering and part of the things that we discussed was that volunteering was how most of us delved into tech, and we were able to network with like minds and great minds through volunteering as well.
Volunteer in church, the media (presentation skills), ushering (gestures & boldness), Hospitality, and outreach (public speaking & negotiations). There are many non-governmental organizations where one can learn while serving.

This might require that you serve someone who is looking like the future version, not necessarily because you want to take advantage of their skills, or network, or recommendation, But because mentorship is one way to shorten your learning journey, most people prefer to pay for the mentorship under someone and it could be for some months, days and during the mentorship you can ask your mentor about some specific questions that you wouldn’t be able to ask them on special days.

That one is a youth doesn’t stop them from working for an organization for free, this works better for students who want to work in the corporate environment, it is one of the ways to beat the experience game, by the time one is graduating, you would have like 2-4 years of experience in your CV, and you can also job shadow another employee until you become better at it.
Job shadowing is a type of on-the-job training that allows an interested employee to follow and closely observe another employee performing the role. Job shadowing may also be used as a learning opportunity for interns or students to gain an understanding of the role requirements and the job tasks.

Reading and Watching educational videos
This phase of a youth’s life isn’t a time to watch telemundos or soap operas, this is a time to soak in so much knowledge, a king in the bible needed people who would serve in his palace and part of the training was that they would be exposed to much learning. The time and energy spent on watching movies and content that might not be edifying, one can subscribe to business channels or channels that educate one on topics related to politics, business (economics) and their field.

If a youth does this, they would be prepared for a life of options

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