MOST is short for Mission, Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics. MOST analysis is used to improve internal processes and company culture by analyzing the organization’s internal environment.

MOST analysis is extremely powerful – and often empowers businesses with a new sense of capability and purpose.
The MOST Analysis helps companies break through communication barriers between various levels within teams by asking during every phase: ‘How does this help us to achieve our next-level goals?’ Each tactic used should be justified in terms of achieving the objectives, in support of the strategies. All of this should be aligned with the organization’s mission statement.

MOST analysis is a useful strategic tool for analyzing an organization’s strategic plan. MOST stands for Mission, Objectives, Strategy, and Tactics.
Mission: Defines the overriding direction and purpose of the organization and should position the business to succeed. The mission is an expression of the meaning and goal of the organization’s existence. It’s a statement of why the organization exists, what it wants to do, and what it can do. A basic consequence of the mission of each organization is to offer a service to customers or to sell products.
The mission statement helps to realize why the organization exists or why it was founded. Employees need to be one with this mission. The mission statement is also important to others, such as managers, customers, or other stakeholders.

Objectives: These are the statements of specific outcomes that are to be achieved by the organization. Objectives should be SMART– that is, Specific and measurable. Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.
The objective is a term used to describe the desired state of being for an organization, individual, team, or unit. Objectives are usually the basis of control for the management and are applied in planning (strategic management), but also in operational management.
Strategy: Defines the direction and scope of an organization over the long term, which achieves an advantage in a changing environment to achieve organizational objectives. The strategy contains options to help meet the business objectives.
Tactics: The short-term, operational plans and projects that will implement the strategy. Tactics are methods and techniques used within the organization to achieve objectives, carry out strategies, and realize SMART goals. They are usually simple processes that concern information, and team members or employees should be able to carry them out, even if they were not directly involved in doing the MOST analysis.
MOST Analysis provides the following benefits to a business organization:
Helps define what the organization has set out to achieve (the mission and objectives).
Determines how it aims to achieve this (strategy and tactics).
Identifies, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that the organization faces.
Helps the organization communicate its purpose.
Helps define business and transformation roadmaps to help enable the strategy.
Enables alignment with stakeholders.
Avoids day-to-day distractions and provides a basis for overall strategic direction.
So how do you perform the MOST analysis? There are four steps involved in MOST analysis:
The first step in the MOST analysis is to define the organization’s mission. The mission is essentially what the company aims to achieve to meet its strategic objectives, which are then broken down into tactics for action. It is important to have a mission to which most if not all, stakeholders can subscribe. The mission needs to emphasize the common ground amongst stakeholders and not the differences.
Objectives can be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound). The MOST analysis also involves identifying both strategic objectives and tactical objectives. Strategic objectives are high-level objectives that the company wants to achieve in the long run, while tactical objectives are specific objectives that need to be achieved to meet the strategic objective. For example, a business might have a strategic objective of increasing market share. Under this, a tactical objective might be to increase sales by 25% year on year for the next six years. Objectives – both at the corporate and business unit level – are often expressed in financial terms. They could be the expression of desired sales or profit levels, rate of growth, dividend levels, or share valuations.
The third step in the MOST analysis is to understand the strategy of the organization. MOST analysis helps define the strategy of an organization to achieve its objectives, which are broken down into tactics for action.
The final step in the MOST analysis is to understand the tactics an organization will use to achieve its objectives. The tactics will involve the short-term, operational plans and projects that will implement the strategy. The tactics will also include identifying the resources and capabilities required to successfully execute the tactics.

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