“It doesn’t matter how great your product is, if your customer service is poor, people will complain about it”

Customer Service is a direct interaction between a consumer making a purchase and a representative of the company selling the product.

It is a way to enhance customers or brand loyalty as well as encourage repetition of customer’s patronage.

Customer’s service representatives or agents must possess leadership qualities, Knowledge of the company and the competence to fix the problems Customers come around with..

Reason being that they are the first to get heated response when there is a bad product or service and whatever reaction this agents show reflects on the reputation of the company

Most successful businesses recognise this and take their time to select a customer service representative knowing that interaction with this agent can either cause a loss or retention of a customer

The best recommendation and Advertising tool is a satisfied or happy customers, sometimes companies go as far as recording the conversations between them and the consumers to enable them track the progress of both the company and Customer Service


1. Timely attention and response to customers issues very Important and Angry customer isn’t good but an angry impatient Customer is worse

2. The process doesn’t need to be burdensome most customer service refer you to a lot of automated procedures which is not wrong but sometimes is irksome

3. It is the customer service representatives duty to inform the board of the company’s failure and also informed the customers of the company’s latest products and policies and as well as notify them of how the latest products can be used

4. Surveys can be done by the customer service agent because they know best from the feedback gotten from the unsatisfied customers where to amend and improve on in the company and on the products.

5. Customer service representative should have personalized interaction and interviews with customers, that way customers know that the company cares about them and their problems and not about exploiting them for profit making

Lastly a customer service agent must be patient, attentive, able to communicate effectively, be organised, must be persuasive enough, empathic and you don’t need a big organisation before you engage your customer service

Even as one man you can have an effective customer service when people come to report to you and complain about their products

How you effectively respond to them and cater for their problems can also help your brand become stronger and increase your brand equity

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